domingo, 12 de junio de 2011

Laruku!!! :B

Hello! Well now i have to write a free post, it´s most difficult that i thought, really i dont know what i talk about... i could talk about a movie, a song, an expirience, really i dont know...

So, let´s see what happens :B

Wiiii!!! I found it, i will talk about one of my favorite music bands, this band is special because it is a jrock band *_* it is of Japanese origin. So, to order my ideas I will write for points. The fisrt points is How I knew it, the seconds is a little about its biography and finally I will explain why I like it.

In 2005 when i was in second year of the high school i always listened radio program it called “resident hit” there was a very drippy xD but there i listened japanese music and I knew l`arc en ciel.

L´arc en ciel is a Japanese rock band that formed in 1991 and they are among the most influential artists in the Japanese music scene, The member are Hyde (vocals and guitar) tetsu (bass and backing vocals) Ken (guitar and backing vocals) and Yukihiro (drums).
The last year hyde came to Chile and i went to see him.... it was so cool *:* I thought “Hyde is real!! oh my god!”

If I have to say whoy a like this band mmm really it is not a big thing, the lyrics of the songs are beautiful or at least their translations :B it blend nicely the emotions and the nature, I dont know if they are god or bad musically but I like it :)

So, Here is a song, I know that it´s a bit strange to hear japanese music but I hope that you like it...
and it was my free post, it is not some very important or very deep but it´s was something xD

Bye!!! thanks for coming!!

A Kick of love

Hi!!! I see you again, today i´m going to tell you a litter more about me and the main connector of the history it will be this picture. But really this is not a picture, this is a drawing that make my ex boyfriend to me a few time ago and I really love it.

So, What it shows? Well, a year ago I was train Taekwondo and I was very excite whit that even I bought a pushimball. So, one day like any other arrive to my cell phone this draw whit the sentence “ a kick of love” It was so nice to me that I love it, then I asked to my boyfriend why he sent me this picture and he told me that the girl was me kicking to him but whit love and the boy in the corner he was him. Obviously the pictures was made by him, it was a year ago He made many draws like this that it always made my days better and I like this pictures because the same reason and I remember those days whit a smile :B

The really is that this picture dont have a big story but it has much feeling.. to me... :B so I dont have nothing more to say.

So, See you later!! :)

lunes, 2 de mayo de 2011

Photographic Camera

I think there are moments that you want to save for the rest of your life. Those special moments that you don´t want forget but you know you have a weak memory, so, for this problem there are a solution..... The Photographic Camera!!! It is my favourite piece of technology because whit this you can save a memory of a wonderful experience and you can share it with others.

I dont think how could be my life without it because sometimes there are things you can´t explain with words, things like emotions, landscape, or a simple situation. This is the reason why I love phorographic camera.
My last birthday, my brother gave me a camera and I was so happy, I just wanna have time and go out of my house to take pictures. There are so many places and things that I want to show :B

I think that the camera is very importan in ours daysbecause the pictures are very important in journalism and to the diffusion of information.

I t

lunes, 25 de abril de 2011


My Favorite Super Hero
My favorite super hero is “Goku”. He is the protagonist of Dragon Ball, an animation´s TV program.  His true name is “Kakaroto” and he came from other planet but he grew in the  mountains  of our planet and he learned martial arts from his adoptive grandfather, then he knew to Milk and get married whit Milk and they had childrens.
I like this Super hero because I grew whit his venture and I always learned something about him and about his personality. And also I like goku because he makes me remember my childhood days and when I tried to do the “Kame hame ha!” and this memory makes me laugh so much. =)
Goku represents to me the nobility and the courage.  I love the way he is because he is always happy. But the most important characteristic of Goku is that he always defended us even when he had  to die for protect this planet.
This is a picture of Goku =) I know that you Know him too =)

martes, 12 de abril de 2011

Paul Ekman

Paul Ekman
The person than I admire of my field is Paul ekman. He was born in 1934 in Washington D. C. He received the Scientific Research Award from the National institute of mental Health and he still alive.
Paul Ekman was one of the first to study the relationship between emotions and its facial expressions. He found an universal expressions of many emotions like anger, repugnant, fear, happiness, sadness, surprise.  He described facial micro expression than it can use to detect lies but his works about lies it is not only about the facial expressions, He work whit the expressions of all human body too. Ekman has contributed to the study of social aspects of lying, why we lie, and why we are often unconcerned with detecting lies and I think that this is a great contribution to the knowledge in general. It is because I admire Paul Ekman  and because his work has a great importance in the practice of psychology and because this theory is given in reality. Other important things about Paul Ekman is that the “Lie to me” tv program it is an Ekman theory based.

lunes, 4 de abril de 2011

Welcome to my Blog

Welcome to my blog!!  I´m María Paz Contreras Santander, I´m 20 years old, but it will be my birthday soon. I am studying Psychology in the universitity of Chile.

So, what can I tell you about me? I love watch movies, go out whit my friends and I love chocolate and french fries. I am from Cartagena but now I´m living in Santiago.

I create this blog for an English class but also i expect to express my self and that you can know me a little more because I´m going to be constantly writing things about me.

miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2011

My favorite movie

"Spring and Chaos"
Spring and chaos is one of my favorite movies because it is a great movie, it is full of magic and color. The first time I saw it I was in shock because I didn’t understand the history.  I must been 11 years old and I remember than I loved the song, the music and the characters.

This movie is an animation and it was directed by Shoji Kawamori, a Japanese director, this movie is set in nineteenth century in Iwate. The characters are like human cats and  the history tell us about the tragic history of Kanji, (a Japanese poet), his fight to be true his art and his fight for be honest whit himself.

I have chosen this movie because it gives the name of my blog and as far I´m concerned  this name have something of beauty and blue.
The most exciting part of the movie was when a train goes over the water and then the train plunged into the lake, then appears a big machine that apparently keeps the planet alive. In my opinion it was beautiful. (You can watch this in the trailer J )
I like the main character´s world view and his imagination.
I recommend this movie because I´m sure than you´re going to love it, I know it is a little rare but in my opinion it is a great movie.

This is the trailer, enjoy!